Our goals

We are a Jewish group promoting peace and social justice, out of the belief that all human beings are equal, and deserve to live in freedom and dignity. We strive to promote this vision within Europe and in Israel-Palestine, two locations that are historically interconnected and hold significant importance to us as Jews. We reject all forms of oppression and dispossession and all forms of racism, whether institutionally or coming from below, including antisemitism, islamophobia and xenophobia.

We affirm the fundamental Jewish principle of tikkun olam, tikkun ha-adam: in order to repair the world we must begin locally. By taking a comprehensive, global view of the past and the present, we intend to address these problems as they appear in our backyards as well as in the Middle East. By working in partnership with local and international organizations that share our objectives, we seek to bring about an end to such spirals of exclusion and violence. We call for an end to the occupation, respect and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians and a long lasting, just peace.